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Old 25-05-2022, 03:47 PM
weareunity weareunity is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 764
Hello WldHairedWoman.

The question kind of contained in the OP is

Unless we accept the role of Guardians of the natural world can our species evolve?---evolution first depending upon continuing to exist.


can a species which consistently depletes/destroys that upon which it depends survive ?

sthg along those lines.

the logical answer seems --to me-- to be No.

the notion that our species has some sort of ability to completely transform the nature of our existence into some other form of being which doiesnt need to give a toss about such destruction seems massively arrogant.

my own feeling is that our continuing existence and therefore possible evolution requires us to find/rediscover and recognise our place as part of the interconnected whole of the process of existence.

in "traditional" evolutionary changes such changes occur as a result of some often very small numbers of a species having a particular ability/mutation which allows them to better survive what may be novel circumstances of one sort or another. Such evoltion is like a consequence. some rather fanciful illustration of this is included in the narrative of the film "water world", when--if I remember correctly, the main character shows signs of developing webs between fingers and toes.
However. it seems entirely possible to me that given sufficient will power and application some species may have a latent ability to change thier behaviour patterns upon wholescale recognition that such behaviour patterns are themselves threatening their survival.
this would be like a conscious evolution for that species--and why not?

we have our own bodies which give us some idea and practice of this--if we choose to screw up our own bodies to the point of non function then we are stuffed. Technical fixes may help for a while just as they will re our depletion and destruction of the natural world, but ultimately there is no further "solution."

Some existing and some earlier cultures know/knew of this inextricable interdependence--not necessarily by means of what we now call scientific knowledge but as a result of thoughtful realisation of the multitude of the interconnections and interdependence.

cheers for now.
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