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Old 28-11-2021, 08:48 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by asearcher
Hi Glaleon, thank you : )

Yes, then you know what I mean! That I can't feel their spirit! Maybe the higher self took it all with it. LOL. God, no I shouldn't laugh at it, it's terrible.

I can't help but to think about what will happen to all these narcissists, psychopaths, sociopaths after they die? Will they land in a heaven above the low level place operating they way they have in life?

Its just as you say asearcher, its our own spirit that connects to the spirit of others which is how bonds, understandings and connections are formed.
We can see why its so easy for these people to hurt and or kill other people and animals and think nothing of it..They lack compassion and empathy JUST like the Global Elite!

In that time in history before The Deluge around 13,000 years ago. When "God" ( sent his "angels" unto the daughters of man the plan was to pollute the pure spirited bloodline so that it would be corrupted so that the spirited humans (us) would not ruin and disturb they're (The Authorities) work ie they're rulership over matter. They thought that if they got enough of they're kind to do this this would solve they're problems regarding the spirited population. When they were not successful they created the artificial soul which are the extreme narcissist, sociopaths and psychopaths as we have been mentioning in this thread.

By having these souls coming in from different parts of the Milky Way Galaxy, these souls can then envelope and or run a human body in this way and in some cases kick the original soul out (via agreement).

***Not for the faint hearted****

The artificial soul was created in the astral realms and they are traumatized souls split apart in the between life area patched up together to create one whole new soul which are the, mentioned above. This is why we see narcissism and insanity in general being played out in the world today.

The late Dr Ar Bordon of LPGC (Life Physics Group California) once said that some humans are "indexed" one time. I think he meant that after a lifetime here on Earth the artificial soul dissolves or is split apart (once again) and these fragments go into a new incarnation on Earth (or elsewhere).

We go where our beliefs take us and souls that choose the tunnel/reincarnation route will end up in different locations within the Patrix ie the Heavens talked about so much here on Earth. These are not the highest Heavens but are virtual realities in the different Dimensions/Heavens within the Patrix itself that humans are manipulated into returning to lifetime after lifetime. Not something people want to hear but this is where my research has led me. Hope you dont mind my long winded response to your post! )
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