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Old 22-11-2022, 07:52 AM
Posts: n/a
Thank you, maybe it is a guide then or like you say your friend?

I had a co worker like a little brother and I think his brain was busy with work stuff and one night he first appeared "talking" in my dream and then when I opened my eyes it was as if I could see him standing by the side of my bed. That is not the first. This comes off to me like that before I truly wake up. And he was busy having this work-conversation, he was worried about someting and I know I thought what do I do? As I knew it was not truly him in his physical body but me thinking his astral body (who will believe this right in real life?). In real life he could also at times give me his "puppy eyes" like a "cry" for help about something but to others he was not like that. I have had it happen now a few times when people tell me things while they are dreaming and then when we meet they tell me that in real life (and I always have to act surprised. First time it happened I was like no, this can't be, my mind is tripping).

OK, I'll stop "talking" now, ha ha.
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