Thread: 108 thoughts
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Old 02-10-2022, 05:46 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by cognition
This intellect is a very inadequate means of ascertaining Truth. But however much imperfect, it is the only human faculty of knowledge nearest to Reality.
Many excellent points in this post.

However, I would suggest that there is also the faculty of Buddhi or spiritual intuition, which is a higher human faculty of knowledge and closer to Reality than the intellect.

The intellect, being of the mind, pertains to form. Even the worlds of abstract ideas can still be considered as form. The intellect tends to compare and analyse, to classify and categorise, to try to put things into neat little boxes with labels so it can claim to understand.

Buddhi or spiritual intuition has no need to compare and contrast. It goes straight to the heart of the matter, giving direct knowledge, bypassing the intellectual process.

Yes, for the average human being the intellect is the highest faculty they can work with. Buddhi is a faculty of the Soul or Consciousness which eventually we all have to develop. Then the mind becomes a receptacle, a clear reflection of Higher Knowledge.

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