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Old 31-05-2020, 08:06 PM
Nightdancer Nightdancer is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 76
My observations with crystals are that gazing into them and communicating with the crystaline would be one way to ease up 'spirit tiredness' or subconscious burden on a human who wants to look into spiritual things on a consistent basis. Instead of relying on individual soul areas to understand person after person after person after person day in day out day in day out a crystal ball, sentient if you ask me in a different way, can do the same thing but in a different way. The human could build a relationship with the crystaline if it is one that the human trusts and choses to and if the crystalline is also willing then the human comes out a lot cleaner subconsciously as there is a trusted medium (the crystal ball) doing the direct work. My initial guess is it's not talked about too much because most people don't really have a need to work all day on spirit communication and don't use crystal balls all that much. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I just haven't seen much talk about it.
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