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Old 15-11-2020, 12:45 AM
linen53 linen53 is offline
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I think this thought would go best in this thread. Reading Frank DeMarco's book Sphere and the Hologram. Came to a section that amazed me. It was about the conspiracy theory of just what we are going through.

This book is a channel book. Think the Seth books.

The question(s) asked about what is coming up. Regarding the reptilian agenda, 13 Illuminati bloodlines, control of the human race by chloride, chemtrails, using humans as puppets as in the 9-11 disaster, injection of minute computer chips by a flue or other injection and the building of prisons, concentration camps throughout the United States for people after martial law is declared.

Here was their response on what they were willing to talk about:

They bring up the French Revolution of the 1700s, the Luddites of the early 1800's in England and lastly the Russian Revolution of 1917 as examples of uprisings for different reasons. The French Revolution was followed by fear that they would lose what they gained. The Luddites were in fear they would lose their jobs due to the machinery that was taking over their work so they smashed all the machinery. The Russian Revolution was followed by not enough information of just who their enemies were.

Then they talk about how the people (present day) become disillusioned by their government and begin listening to rumors (It's the Bilderberger group, it's the Illuminati, it's the Rockerfellers just to name a few).

(They are not discounting the evil in government, and the ultra rich, but rather acknowledge it is happening)

(They also acknowledge corruption throughout the system all the way down to the lowest employee, each in it for their own profits)

(They also acknowledge the MSM keeps us in the dark about the real way our society is managed)

Next they say "Now, the joker in the deck is this. That's the grim situation as it looks from a conscious perspective, but guess what. The deck can be stacked from the other side, and we're stacking it every day.

"We're inventing the scenarios as we go along. We on this side have our own game plan in order to move your society from where it is to where it will be more effective in bringing us to the next level..."

Me talking: Can't find it in the passage but the next part is about there might be suffering. Sometimes it takes some suffering to get to the next stage of our (spiritual) development. Now in their thinking suffering could be minor or major. It could last 5 minutes or 1,000 years. It's all irrelevant to them. It's the end goal that matters. Getting us to that next level. Whatever it takes.

So we have some good news and we (might) have some bad news.

By the way the interview was conducted October 30, 2001 shortly after 9-11.

And a specific question was asked about a supposed flu and vaccine with computer chips. I just tried to consolidate 7 pages of text in this post.