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Old 21-06-2022, 06:16 AM
Hadriel Hadriel is offline
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Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 23
Hello Keltic,

I started by saying a prayer/meditation at night, to God.
It wasn't in regard to channeling but more I found myself doing this spontaneously as it made me feel better. I was around 18/19 years old at the time (47 now), and I started to wonder what the purpose of life was.

Even though I was happy in life and optimistic about the future and even though I wasn't depressed ,I found myself thinking that life seemed kind of pointless. After all what was the point of going to school, getting any additional qualifications, working ,paying taxes, getting married, having children, getting older and then one day dying and then disappearing into the abyss and my existence never mattering to anyone, other than any immediate family or close friends I happen to have at the time and even then .....only be remembered for a short time.

For those reasons of seeking to understand I began to pray. I was reading books around the same time. Which ones I cant remember now but they were books on Buddhism, Eastern belief structures more general, fortune telling, tarot cards and general western style self help books that you find in the motivational section of book shops.

Anyway my nightly prayer/mediation ended up happening every night pretty much for at four or five years. I was 18 when i started as I said, so sometimes it was nothing more than just a three or four minute prayer/mediation with the intention of keeping the habit just ticking over.

One night things changed for me. Again with attention focused on God and on love based traditional intent of genuine seeking, I heard a voice in my mind. It turned out to be a voice named Helen and she did identify myself as my guardian angel. I tell you what Keltic that was quite something, she became part of my life and the night prayer/mediation would always come first and then followed with an inner dialogue taking places in my mind with Helen. She helped me make various decisions in my early life and acted as a sounding board to many questions that I had about my day to day life.

These conservations with Helen became part of my nightly routine right through until I was about 29 , well five out of seven nights anyway. It doesn't need to be this way as there are no hard and fast rules. What I can tell you though is intent and genuine seeking and a belief in God and in love based energies always triumphing over negative based energies, will make sure God is fully extra aware of what is in your heart and have you protected and guided in your experiences. Not having this intent from the start can result in the ego mind throwing up some not very pleasant experiences.

So what I would do if I were you is to use meditation. Close your eyes and relax your body and say to God that you wish to understand more. Whatever your religious believes are fine to incorporate also in your request if you have them ,whether it be Jesus, ArchAngel Michael, Buddha or any specific Bodhisattva etc.If none of those apply then still the main thing is to hold in your heart intentions of purity and genuine seeking and ask for help from God.

What I would do then is close your eyes , relax your body one part at a time, then see yourself at the bottom of a set of 20 steps. This should be done after five minutes of relaxing the body and not any quicker. Allow yourself to climb those steps and when at the top visualize in your mind a large wooden door. Go in and emerge onto a beautiful green patch of grass standing in front of a lake. It will be a beautiful sunny day there and I call these places( stargates for reasons I can explain later). Invite God and his angels to be in this place with you and make it a special place for you to visit. This location will ultimately lead to being a safe place to channel from because it will be protected. First you have to visit it and get to enjoy it first before thinking about contacting any other energies. I recommend building a home in your mind to the right hand side of the lake, go into it , create a lounge room, kitchen etc and a balcony overlooking the water and simply spend time there in meditation exploring the stargate.

There needs to be a solid connection to higher consciousness before channeling Keltic, this is the method taught by the angels I interact with. Archangel Michael and Raphael both visit me here as does Hadriel who is the angel that helps me in everything I do.

Try that for starters and let me know how you go. It should be fun, relaxing and make you feel good. That is always the first step.

Good luck
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