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Old 07-04-2019, 10:31 AM
MChang MChang is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 99
Originally Posted by r6r6r
I have no idea what a "pure spirit" is. Ive gone through this with few others and they never have given any clarity in those regards.

Spirit-3 Gravity ( ) and Spirit-4 Dark Energy )( are the closest we come to "timeless" yet still an occupied space.

You may need doctor to check your EKG's with more advanced physical. I had that done a year ago. They bring in machine to restart your heart just in case we have a heart attack when doing their rising treadmill test.

The doctors didnt say anything to me about that. Good luck if you go in for the heart test. I dont think there is any brain test linked to it.

For me pure spirit is what we were before we took on human form. Pure Energy, just being, existing in the moment, no human brain based ideas or thoughts. Sharing the energy that exists in the cosmos with all other beings.

In Taoism there is a belief that is common that we are two halves yin/yang. male/female heaven/earth. The writing from the ancient Taoists speak of two centers of consciousness with each of us. One center is from our human side, the brain. The other center is from our spirit side the heart. We can only experience the world around us from one of these two in any given moment. The challenge is to know which is which in any given moment.

This what meditation does for me, it helps me discern the difference between the two and through the process of identifying and healing unresolved issues we work to blend the two into one center of consciousness,

This is what I believe is meant by The One.


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