Thread: Forgiveness
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Old 28-03-2021, 02:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by inavalan
Forgive those people who have caused harm in your life. Forgiveness, however, is a misunderstood concept. Thanks to self-help and new age movements, it is often thought to be about accepting what has happened to you. No. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you need to accept what a person has done to you. It just means that you are not willing to carry the emotional burden caused by that person anymore.

Even realizing this, there are some people who are not willing to forgive people in their lives. But think of it this way: you are only doing this to yourself. By constantly thinking about revenge and what that person did to you, those people have already won. In reality, the best revenge is indifference. You just don’t allow these people to continue to hurt you or make any difference in your life.
I could not agree more.
My sentiments exactly ...
Holding onto all of that is what keeps us in the black hole
In order to climb out, towards the light we need to let go...
As you correctly say...
To cling into their wrongdoing, is the pain we hold that stops us from moving on.
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