Thread: Love spell
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Old 29-01-2013, 12:35 AM
Posts: n/a
We can learn from the Greek mythology, Oedipus Rex.

Oracle told King Laius that his son would kill him and marry his wife (Basically his son would marry its mother). King Laius ordered to kill his son in order to prevent this predicted tragedies from happening.

However, the fate played out just as the oracle’s predictions. The predictions themselves and King Lauis’ own reactions were the path to the destiny.

Without knowing, the oracle was playing its own destined role within the fate of Oedipus Rex.

We may know the fate. And when we try to exercise our freewill to overide the fate, we are actually getting closer to the fate.

We can meddle if we want but it would not change the outcome in this life. Our meddling is already written for this lifetime.

So, it really does not matter if it is considered wrong or right, since love spell is really not going to change the outcome.
Nonetheless, I personally would not want to meddle due to creating a possible karma.

However, maybe, just maybe we can alter our repeated cycle for our future lifetimes.. if we try.
The future lifetimes are where I want to focus.
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