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Old 22-06-2011, 10:04 AM
Posts: n/a
The true question is not being vegetarian or not, but more how gentle we are with beings and plants, even if we consume them.

How animals and plants are treated. Are we infecting them with growth hormones, are we keeping them in hell houses? Are we poisoning plants with chemicals and twist their nature into laboratories?

Are we living simple? Even if we like meat, are we aware that animals who run free in nature, in the yard are way more happy, even if at some point are killed for our food?

Where is the equilibrium in this?

As I recalled how I lived as a child, eating meat but rare... Meat was luxury product. Few times a month, this is all we consumed from our yard/little farm.

I think the answer is in respecting nature, and not poison it, not twist it for industrial purposes and for money. Also respect and love animals. If you want to eat meat eat it less often, and from little farms were animals lived happy in the yard. At least that.
This attitude respects that old circle of life... In nature animals are killing each other, but this is spontaneous and not planed, those animals that get killed up to the point of dieing, they are free and running happily in the nature. We should try to provide this environment for the animals that we eat. Then the prices of meat will get so high, and meat indeed will become the luxury product. For humans meat should be a luxury product, organic, expensive and rare.
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