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Old 12-11-2020, 11:10 PM
Posts: n/a
Hi ThatMan,: )

I've experienced passing depression(resistance/repression),not everyday depression(resistance/repression).

Your not under a powerful curse,it is just the Ego,the false sense of self.

From past trauma and stuck negative emotions,

It can be likened to demonic possession.

From my viewpoint and what i experienced pushing through the resistance.

Do you have any addictions?

Do you have attachments to money and material possessions etc?

Telling yourself you have a powerful curse,you manifest.

You can manifest truth or illusion.

Changing your thought pattern to the positive and to seeing a silver lining in any

will alter and lift the load.

Stop saying i can't and say i can.

You have the power within you to not only transform,

But to be at peace and happy.

Your heart is closed,you just have to keep on,breaking through that resistance.

Think and see positive.

Remember loving memories.

Best wishes and take care.: )
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