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Old 01-12-2020, 11:16 PM
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Originally Posted by andrewaustin
"The word “Empress” originates from the Latin Imperatrix, imperare, “command” and denotes a replacement for the “emperor” legitimately designated to articulate a feminine idea.

The Indo-European root (Per) for “priest/priestess” has almost the same spelling and sound as for “emperor/empress”, although there are separate words, which in this other context means “to produce” or “to procure.”

Although the Arcana of the Empress remains, ideally, a distinctive depiction of the Earth Goddess (the sentience of nature’s sacredness to the utmost extent), it is essential to note the fact that just like the High Priestess, it has varying delineative patterns.

Therefore, the Empress is shown in this card in her most general manifestation melding the highest pure quality with the lowest material quantity...."

Great info - great link!
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