Thread: Losing Weight
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Old 15-04-2019, 11:05 PM
Petey Petey is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 26
Originally Posted by Altair
Just be glad you don't need to work 50 hours or more a week, Petey, don't have time to cook, and have to rely on fast food restaurants. It's very easy for us all to talk about ''individual responsibility'' but to a lot of people out there such a thing is a luxury..

Concerning conspiracies.... It's not much of a 'conspiracy' when it's wide out in the open. Governments serve the wealthy and the multinational companies. They have vested interests to keep the status quo. In my country for instance lobbyists from the intensive farming sector have a tight grip on mainstream political parties and even have guaranteed positions in government..

Governments are interested in keeping the status quo of mass production of unhealthy lifestyles intact because they deem it necessary to stay globally competitive. People producing and consuming rubbish on a massive scale keeps these unhealthy systems rolling. Some people can't choose, but those who can have a duty to speak out..

I can only respectfully disagree. Fast food is never the answer, regardless of how many hours one works. There is always a way to get real food, and this goes back to the idea that this isn't about "weight loss". It's about included, mental health, including things like a sense of fulfillment. But the second anyone ever thinks they HAVE to eat fast food, they have abdicated their personal freedom. And once that happens, weight loss and even just health aren't even up for discussion.
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