Thread: Theosophy
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Old 08-02-2012, 11:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Saspian
To my knowledge Theosophy places an extreme emphasis on gurus. For example Hoot Koomi allegedly tutored Blavatsky.Annie Bessant, a former atheist leader was very prominent in London, later to gain high Theosophist status. Krishnamurti was designated to become god, or at least high priest of the movement; he declined.

Theosophists hold some strange notions regarding our genisis in Atlantas, Lumeria and other places......root races. Their Heaven, Devachan, is said to offer souls a review of past life and some opportunity to have input relevant to the next.................

Have you heard what Krishnamurti said on the day he was supposed to take the reigns of a new Theosophical Society branch?

He told the story of a man walking along with the devil. They come across another man crying as he was bending down to pick something up. The man walking with the devil asked; What is that guy doing? The devil answered he found a piece of truth! Following this, man enquired of the devil, so why is he crying? The Devil answered; I am putting him in charge of organizing it!

I think this speaks quite clearly with regards to Krishnamurtis objections to become tied down to a particular group's beliefs!
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