Thread: Taoist quote
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Old 30-04-2019, 09:56 AM
MChang MChang is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 99
Originally Posted by Rain95
I followed the quotes and teachers you posted and have been reading where they led. Lot's of good stuff.

From the Heart of Daoist Meditation:

But if we go back and look at originally what is taught in the Laozi and Zhuangzi, everything is meditation—walking, sitting, standing—and when we begin to realize this, then that is true meditation. There is no longer a distinction between non-meditation and meditation. (Shi 2007, 8).

As Shi Jing says: Zuowang is to sit and forget. What we forget is the thing we hold most dearly: self, with all its opinions, beliefs, and ideals. We can be so caught up in the concept of self that we only see the world as a place to fulfill personal ambition and desire. (2006, 11; see also Rinaldini 2009, 187)

Could not agree more. Meditation was the key for me. Going within and listening. Many self discoveries through meditation practice over time. I began to shift where I could be conscious in the moment and recognize the past playing out in my life in real time and have the consciousness to know it in the moment. Seize these moments of 'Observation' and use them as intended. Thanks. Brian
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