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Old 12-05-2020, 08:06 PM
keepitsimple keepitsimple is offline
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 51
Originally Posted by Legrand

My first language being French, I just love learning other languages. It makes you realize how a language transforms your mindset and makes you realize your own identity is deeper that the one set by your first language. Just for that, I would do the exercise of translating and learning another language.


i often wonder how the latin language has influenced western thought (maybe the greek as well?) ... my experience is of German and they have 3 different sorts of objects : dative, accusative, and genetive and don't ask me to explain the difference ... but i'm sure this linguistic division of the world has led to some very interesting and/or confusing german thinkers ... and they are in their own bubble, because they could read the english texts, but we couldn't understand theirs.

I wonder how modern Chinese differs from the ancient ... where, alan watts taught me, subjects and objects belong together and the verb was the only really important thing ... and now in germany, i always have to wait an intolerably long time till the verb comes at the end of the sentance ... English is such an easy language.
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