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Old 03-12-2019, 10:59 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Originally Posted by kishore
According to me he/she is one who has dissolved thier ego completely, does not feel profit or loss, does not feel insult or respect etc after reaching that state, looking for that type of person in this site.
It's one of those spiritual myths that the ego has to be dissolved. It does not, and it shouldn't. We need the ego to be able to live a healthy and balanced and enlightened life on this planet.
It is a physical planet and we're here in a physical body. This is why life here is such a unique challenge in the universe as we have to learn to and have our bodies and deal with the emotions and feelings that come with it AND try to get to 5D, oneness, love and so on.
In order to get there we need the ego! The ego is part of the masculine energy that helps us define & discern, make good decisions, take action and so on.
The only thing we need to do is to heal the hurt ego, sometimes called the lower ego as the hurt and fear of that part (inner children) holds us back. Overcoming that for the most part is part of our growth, becoming emotionally mature.
But we're not here to reach only spiritual alignment without ego, floating up there somewhere. We come from that, we already know that. The unique challenge of this life here on Earth in a physical body is to become more enlightened WHILE having that body. To create Heaven on Earth, not Heaven in Heaven. And for that we need to be solidly anchored and grounded in our bodies, on Earth, in our lives, AND we need our healed egos for that.
To think we need to get rid of it is to say we need to get rid of masculine energy. Not the idea, not why we're here, and not healthy.
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