Thread: Can't settle
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Old 21-08-2022, 07:38 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by Hemera
I feel like I can't settle to any belief system in particular, or even one way of living my life. ... I know I'm going wrong somewhere by this endless pursuit of wanting/needing to find an approach that I completely resonate with. There are so many....but nothing feels just right.
As Miss H says, pick things from here and there to create a path which suits you.

Belief systems have their place at a certain stage of the journey. They provide a philosophical framework and guidelines for how to live, and for many people this is what they need. But at some point we go beyond any particular belief system. We have outgrown them. They no longer serve us.

So choose those parts of whatever spiritual philosophy resonates with you. Choose whichever practices you feel drawn to. Read about any teachers who attract your interest. We can create our own path to support our inner journey.

And maybe we will even outgrow our own inner path. I don't often quote Krishnamurti but as he says, "Truth is a pathless land." We begin by following some path or other and then we become the path and then there is no path. We are simply aware in each moment, doing whatever we are doing.

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