Thread: Deja vu
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Old 06-09-2021, 10:29 AM
True Angel True Angel is offline
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 92
I often just see these as reminders that I am on my life's path.
I agree with that, PastPilot.

Have you ever had a Deja Vu event occur twice? Or seem to?

I ask because there have been two times when something would happen, I'd remember seeing it happen 'before', then a year or so down the road, what appears to be the exact same event would happen again. The 2nd (& in one case, a third) time, I'd catch it, and say to myself, "didn't this (Deja Vu memory) happen already?"

I shrugged it off the first time this repeat or double deja vu happened, but when it happened recently within nearly a year of a prior deja vu, I'm wondering what's going on. Maybe the activities are so similar in action, they trigger a deja vu-like response. (Shrugs)

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