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Old 09-06-2014, 03:38 PM
Phantasmic Fox
Posts: n/a
Sounds like you look for numbers everywhere you go. When you are so keen on reading numbers as having some sort of esoteric meaning, you're going to see a lot of repeating numbers. Your mind will focus on 33 and see it in everything. Next thing you know you'll be doing math in your head to add things up in order to find meaning. Numbers just show up to guide you, not necessarily to warn you of impending doom. The number 33 isn't a sign your husband will die.... Stop obsessing it's no way to live and will ultimately lead to paranoia. I see repeating numbers all the time. I only consider reading them if they show up under curious circumstances, like if I am thinking about sixes and next thing I know I'm looking at triple sixes. Not every single digit in the universe is there to guide you.
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