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Old 09-09-2021, 11:01 PM
Posts: n/a
To me, both are different, one intemporal, the other conditionning (of the first, sometimes). Although I resonate with FallingLeaves' first sentence.

The second I don't : beliefs are tied to our wants, faith is there in anyone, for some unknowingly. Beliefs can be anything really, no need to mention anything in particular, but faith generally have "common groups". As in, faith in world peace, faith in COVID's end, faith that a loved one is "taken care of" even if we can't necessarily see it that way, simply faith in humanity... We're all the same, spiritually "advanced" or "not". We all have things we care about.

Faith is when you stop flailing your arms around, as if you were your own god, and let yourself be, accepting that when the time comes for you to act, you'll know what to do, and in the mean time work on yourself. You'll know what to do either because of beliefs, or not. One is not necessary for the other. But one thing is very clear to me : we all have beliefs of our own to begin with. The difference lies there : faith or belief, which prevails in ourselves ? Core or Surface ?

Beliefs tell you what to do/how to live your life, and guide your faith at the same time. Faith that "I will go to heaven if I follow commandments", for example. That being said, it's not true for everyone.

FallingLeaves, as scary as novelty can be, "forward" is the way to go. In the mean time, please accept my support for what you are going through

BigJohn, I am curious about the interchanging factors of faith and beliefs you mentionned in your "IS INTERFAITH VIABLE". Oh, curious to learn, that is !
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