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Old 26-06-2021, 05:03 PM
MysticalShaman MysticalShaman is offline
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The Point of the TF Journey

So, basically the whole point of the TF journey is to ascend and achieve enlightenment, right?

Technically, when you achieve this, you understand that all beings and things, and everything is God/Source.

And technically you should be able to love anyone as much as you love your twin.

However, I have dated several people since my twin, so many beautiful relationships, men and women.

I've had great connections with friends and family.

I'm in an amazing relationship now.

However, my heart chakra is connected to my twin.

It was open by him one of that last occasions where we saw each other - exactly as I manifested from a drawing I drew btw ! When we made eye contact at that moment - boom! Heart chakra opened wide - exploded really.

And this feeling is like the door that helps me connect to God and my higher self instantly, than like sitting down to meditate for a while.

Whenever I think of him, my heart chakra is expansive just like that initial moment it opened and I can literally see shifts in my world happen.

Yesterday at work, it was the dreariest day EVER. it was just so drab!
But I seen this guy who, from far away, reminded me of my twin, and I was focusing on that, and then focusing on the feeling in my heart chakra/heart centre. And it got expansive and I felt like abraham hicks ( getting specific and getting ready to be ready ) because I was imagining how great it would be if that turned out to be him and how funny that would be that the universe put us both in the same city outside our home country, and the same office block, and feeling so much expansion and love for him and that. But I also started thinking some mental things... Like how he's actually Jesus and I'm actually Mary Magdalene in a 21st century romance ( that would make a great song..... )

And while all that was happening the sun was getting blindingly brighter and brighter outside.

And the second I started to have doubts, because those final thoughts are crazy, ( but then at the same time, god can create whatever it wants, so you know maybe I should be open to miracles ) - but back to my point, the day went back to drab and dreary.

And I feel so guilty because I'm in a beautiful relationship right now with someone who is amazing and supportive and basically wants to look after me, but is human and has flaws. He is my soulmate for sure, but I don't have that kind of connection with him and I just feel so guilty.... Like this love is the love of god and my twin and the love for myself, it's my gateway to heaven.

I'm just feeling very drawn to my twin lately after years of no-contact, except remote viewing in meditation or astral/dreams. I have no way to contact him, no way of know where he is.

It's really frustrating because all these feelings just whacked me in the face one day out of the blue like a giant reminder to not forget him after I had a really intense dream where we merged, just as I thought I was finally over it.

But what I have with my soulmate is realistic and beautiful in a real world way. He is my best friend and an amazing lover! He's helped me overcome so much of my insecurities and helped me heal and feel safe and loved.

And I do love him. He is an amazing person, we laugh together all the time, we are super nerds and he is really sweet. I've never felt this comfortable in a relationship in my life....

but the love i have for him is different that the way I feel towards my twin.
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