Thread: Is life a play?
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Old 13-05-2021, 01:31 AM
beginners_mind beginners_mind is offline
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 54
My view is that some thoughts might be random and disconnected, but many thoughts are created from our deeper feelings. We need to learn to discriminate which are which. In your example, your thought of wanting to go to the movies might come from the desire to be amongst other people, and a feeling of lonliness or seperateness. Then you invite Jane, who might also be feeling a bit lonely and she accepts.

I don’t think we are puppets because we have freedom to make choices, even when we encounter things in the world as a result of karma – we still have a choice in regard to how we react to these karmic things. I believe when we have acted unconsciously and uncompassionately in our past (including past lives) it’s this unconsciousness that drives karma, and we attract certain events to help us to heal that unconsciousness (it’s not a punishment).

My feeling is that God’s plan is for us all to come back to him/her, but God also gives us freedom and so the road can be long and winding.
I previously had the username "ontheroad"
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