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Old 04-08-2015, 12:31 AM
Justme1981 Justme1981 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 443
Originally Posted by ReSsurection
reading for rainbow

You can feel more solid and commited by loving something you want to be commited to more.commitment comes from love ,so if you make love grow inside u towards the things you want to be commited to, your devotion will increase. You should never feel like you have to be commited because you have to or because you feel its an oblligation,but because you want for stability,increase spending time with your family because they will give you a better foundation,if you have peace ih the home you will feel stsble,also practise having calm or being calm on midst od troubles.

Sorry for the Extreme shortness im writting from a tablet

My Q: what will my fiances male friends truly feel for me?

Reading for Ressurection

(sorry Pandora I did not see your question so from now on I'm starting with the question)

My Q: what will my fiances male friends truly feel for me?
How I interpret the question: how do my fiance's male friends feel about me.

Three Card Spread: how his friends view my past, my present and our future together

Cards pulled in their order with reversals: The Moon (upright), Seven of Swords (upright), Three of wands (upright)

My interpretation:
Your fiance's friends will view you coming from a somewhat mystical past. If they relate to this mystical side, they will find you very evolved spiritually but if they are not receptive they will just find it mysterious.

When they meet you they may feel you are not completely honest, they may not even completely trust you for their friend. My reading of the cards suggest the best approach is to be authentic and not try to, "fit in," or they will see this as something reinforcing their impressions of you, which may be largely unfounded.

Finally, they will view you as ready for the challenges of a long-term relationship and ready to be committed to this person. They won't see you as a fly by night or shaken by the wind kind of person but instead someone who is ready to take on the challenge of marriage with commitment.

Overall, I think the key is to be completely authentic about your past and your beliefs when they meet you; within limits of course of candor and tact, the hurdle to overcome will be an initial interpretation of mistrust but by being authentic they will see either a very evolved spiritual person or a very esoteric person both they can admire.

Last Reading JustMe1981

Q: What lies in my future of spirituality, what are my spiritual challenges and will I overcome them.

Now if you are reading me, please, please, please put the effort in. I put a lot of effort into my responses even though I am probably wrong. So, please put the effort in.