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Old 24-01-2021, 10:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by zorkchop
Authentic Masters are NOT easily found.


Originally Posted by zorkchop
Finding a true, authentic Master is relatively easy …

zorkchop, thanks for your posts and time as I said but it's not my discomfort you have to worry about. I'm not uncomfortable - I'm merely pointing out an astute observation. I'm sorry that that causes you discomfort.

I'm all for Masters/Gurus and such, and if one finds it, a boon no doubt (if one encounters a real one, that is) but setting up some secretive style and method that surpasses all traditons/religions sounds, quite frankly, cult like. Same with the super secret ideas and promise of God lands.

It's not that I don't support the possibilities, and likely manifestations in consciousness, but when those possibilites are put up as out of reach or somehow outside of all religions, traditions and such, ("limited" Jesus, Buddha etc). then surely to me that's a little, red flag.

Turning an honest question unto the problem of the questioner seems to be .. interesting .. but also odd, to say the least.

For this reason, I'm certainly grateful for the ideas and thoughts you have shared over the last few months, but I'm happy to report it's a clear pass from here.

Be well, and good travels on your path and the belief systems that you personally hold dear. May they be good.