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Old 28-07-2021, 02:59 AM
Posts: n/a
When i think of strange creatures The Mothman seen in Point Pleasant Virginia from 1966-67 comes to mind. Besides that in Atlantis which was the entire planet when as Neptune/Poseidon openly ruled, he and his team of genetic scientist created alot of strange monsters and creatures such as minotaurs, centaurs, cyclops and various giants that they used for slave labor, transportation or war. At some point he left the planet and let these creatures evolve on their own. Big mistake!! This is was a very strange time to be on Earth with all these erratic beings mostly the giants roaming around killing and preying on humans. This was "part" of the reason for the decision to let/have the Flood wipe everything out. The old Atlantis (Tiamaat/Earth) perished in The Deluge (13,000 years ago)
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