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Old 11-06-2015, 05:21 PM
Posts: n/a
Although I seldom get into interpreting someone else's reading, this one jumped out at me.

Please remember that the cards are not always literal. "Fertility" can refer to a zillion types of things that can be fertile, from soil to ideas. "Pregnancy" is the same, and can refer to many things, including pauses.

I think one of the things many readers do that can turn things in a wrong direction is try to delve too deeply into details, sometimes to the point of trivia or even minutia. I'm not saying that's the case here. I'm using that to remind all readers to remain with the big picture (in general). Part of being a good reader is guiding the client to his/her own insights. It's like giving someone a prettily wrapped present. Give it and then let them open it.

For you, kristenlc, try to think of it in terms of your own situation and circumstances. Readers can only offer what they get, and if the information doesn't seem right, try looking at it from a different perspective. What could this mean figuratively, symbolically?

OTOH, life can change in an instant and we don't always know what's around the next corner. So maybe they're all right on in the literal sense. Time will tell.

In either case, whether it's literal or figurative, you're aware of it.
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