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Old 23-04-2023, 11:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by BelieveInGod
Hi, I'm semi-new to the conversation and I'm a pretty open minded person.

I have read a lot of things about the Bible and Aliens on here.

Obviously by my name I believe in God but I also believe in aliens, so I'm curious to everyone's thoughts on the mixture of both.

as an incarnate alien I love and accept Jesus because he loved me no matter what.
he answered my souls question why was I sent to earth?
and Jesus told me " " that is why you were sent here. I could not comprehend the answer he was saying. I guess it was for so many mysterious reasons.

I have a caucasion look on me as I live on Earth and in my soul as my body or shell on earth is human I don't feel human at all .

I feel strange out of touch with earth and humanity.
I have a crew cut hair style and I prefer bald head.

I do not feel human from within my own soul my soul feels so different and other worldly.
I wonder if anyone else feels the same way?
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