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Old 02-05-2011, 09:21 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by paulrosk
James Randi has a $1,000,000 check ready for anyone that can scientifically prove it. So far he still has the check!

Demonstrating the evidence of absence? Not sure if I'm convinced.

From what I've heard of the test, only the famous can participate. And from what I've heard of mediumship, the practice is not always 100% reliable.

Why would that cool million be left unclaimed? What if the day a famous medium undergoes the challenge happens to be his off day? Or maybe the info they're receiving is too vague, and deemed unconvincing?

Test failed, medium "debunked", reputation ruined forever... and knowing Randi, he wouldn't rest before his quarry is slandered and crucified, shown to all as another conquest of his crusade.

A possible reason, and hardly without sense; the challenge doesn't really forward or debunk anything.

Wyrde, I'm not sure what show that excerpt was from. The entire video was a hodgepodge of different sources.

Mac, I know what you're saying. I've seen mediums firsthand relay the impossible; powerful evidence in their favor. Fakers can put on a good act, but being tasked with giving specific information not only unlikely but impossible to guess/research might just be an act that's too good for conmen to follow.

But it's an act I've seen multiple times, and it speaks a hell of a lot louder than a cynic's dubious challenge.
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