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Old 13-01-2021, 01:27 AM
GlitterRose GlitterRose is offline
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 375
The Tree of Life is a Kabbalistic or Qabalistic pathworking, and it is a process of working on the self.

Each of the worlds on the Tree of Life glyph have associations and the paths between them have Tarot associations. As you pass through each "world," you are working on various aspects of the self with the ideal of union with the Divine.

I hope I am explaining it correctly. It is hard for me to put it into words.

I'm sure there are a variety of books out there on the subject, but the one I have been working with is by Stephan Hoeller. I believe it is called The Fool's Pilgrimage (after the Fool Tarot card).

There are various associations and meditations particularly for this purpose. The idea is that you spend a week on each path, doing the meditation for each card. It's best to memorize the meditations and to have the card to look at. It just uses the Rider-Waite deck, but I'm imagining most are similar in their symbolism.
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