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Old 20-02-2021, 05:55 AM
Johnathanrs Johnathanrs is offline
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 360
Originally Posted by PhoenixRosa
I have for many many years felt irritated by the whole concept of healing in the spiritual community. Everyone I have encountered claims to be a healer/empath/shaman or whatever identity we feel the need to give ourselves. All this is Ego and has very little to do with healing and helping others. We as a human race want to help others because it makes us feel better and special. Again Ego. Very few of us can look at themselves from a helicopter view and be completely honest about ourselves and our shadows. People need a sense of purpose which is put upon us by society. You need to have a goal, need to know where you are going with your life etc. Most of the times we get interested in spirituality or a religion for that matter because we need to believe is a higher power. In the end it all comes down to the same thing: We have trauma's we can't really deal with so our brain goes in survival mode and denial. By focussing on someone else, we don't have to deal with ourselves. It is a coping mechanism. Most people who call themselves empaths are just Highly Sensitive People. Shamans are born Shamans. You can't study to become one. Witches are born witches. You don't become one. Spirituality has gone mainstream and it has very little to do with Spirituality all together. We are just not happy with the state of the world, so we find something that makes us feel better. You can't heal people. The best you can do is have an uplifting talk with them, or pretend to give them a healing which is almost always a placebo. The client keeps coming back because nothing really changes, except the healers bank account. Healing is your own responsibility. If you are willing to heal.

I remember reading in history class on how franklin sent a letter to Washington on the Monticello model on his thoughts on slavery and how by creating a pyramid of top slaves and providing them with leading comforts that the bottom slaves were envious of, he could psychologically enslave the entire group and have them turn against one another, ending any act of rebellion, after all - it was no longer about escape through unity, but to get to the top of the pyramid through any means necessary - but I have to say, this is how it should be. I knew North Korea was doing something right. Peasants being peasants all serving nobility like yours truly. You have wise words my friend. As someone who was born a witch, as a royal, as a monarch, as a whatever you consider as being better than you, I am that, you should know your place. You obviously are someone who understands how things are and someone who is now worthy of serving me. You cannot become a witch. You cannot become a shaman. How dare you even dare to dream. Welcome to reality. You all need me. I and my brethren were born better than all of you. We will provide you that sense of purpose. Idiots.

Go now my minion and preach how I am better than everyone and how they should be more like you. You are my star. The role model for others. P.S - Please stop trying to better yourself. For goodness sake, it's annoying sabotaging you all time and time again. Just accept your fate.
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