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Old 09-02-2021, 11:59 AM
ocpaul20 ocpaul20 is offline
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Posts: 14
I am really undecided about healing.

Say someone comes to you because of a condition they have. The human has given you permission to help them in some way. Do we actually know how we should help them, whether we should help them learn to do it themselves or whether we should do it for them. Many would probably say they are guided what to do, only the people they can help come to then for help, or that they would not be a healer if they "should" not be doing it.

I am moving more towards a belief that we are spirit and have, prior to this Earth life, organised the major points in our journey so that we can meet the experiences which will give us the best learning events for our spirit.

If that is so, then healing some other human who does not remember the 'plan' they made for themselves, is counter-productive for them and denies them the learning experience of that biological condition. I can imagine many spirits incarnating as doctors to experience life in that profession, and finding that some goody two-shoes healer has done all the work for them and there is no-one left to administer to. It also goes down a deep rabbit hole of what-if scenarios.

Does healing someone invade their personal free will? Some people think it does. Are we denying them the opportunity of healing themselves or learning how to do this? Maybe the fact that their disease later has a spontaneous remission teaches them a life-lesson of some kind? Are we, as healers, feeding our own ego by being the bringer of health to someone else? Yes, it feels good to have helped them, of healed them from a potentially serious life-threatening disease. Are we REALLY doing God's work? Is this REALLY a gift? Are we taking on some karma by doing healing on others?

I bet there are many healers who both like doing this and think they have a special calling. It gives them a nice fuzzy feeling inside.

There are so many things to consider that I dont know what to think. It also probably makes others defensive about their healing work/gift/calling and me unpopular for bringing up this subject. However, I think it needs to be discussed (and may have been before this - if so I am sorry to bring it up again)
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