Thread: Heard sound
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Old 10-01-2021, 08:28 PM
earthtuner earthtuner is offline
Join Date: Jan 2021
Posts: 25
Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
And I come from a place of -there are spirits around us all the time ---our guides, or angels or
loved ones checking in on us.
Sometimes their voices bleed thru to this world or rather we are able to tune in.
No big deal, to me.
I have seen and detected spirits and ghosts since childhood so you statement has real meaning.I prefer living in a house where they are seldom present, as I have lived in some severely haunted ones in the past.I attract them, and sometimes reside with three or more until I can send them into the light.One house I couldn't even sell because it creeped people out as soon as they entered and they didn't know why.When my employer discovered I had no fear of ghosts, they placed me at night shift in a haunted school, that scared the previous nightshift workers away.The spirit tried everything to scare me[playing with lights, electricals and security alarms] but eventually,almost a year later, I gently persuaded her to move on to the light.She even came home once and scared my wife, and I had to tell her to be extra nice, and never to go into my car again.She[13 year old girl] had haunted there for almost 45 years, and didn't even know she was dead.That is sometimes the hardest part of sending folks to the light, is that they either don't even believe in an afterlife,or refuse to believe they aren't dreaming.........My strange talents have been hard on me over the years, and I now prefer to be left alone by ghosts and spirits.They don't like the house I live in now, as it is situated on a vortex of energy, and stay clear of me now, in my old age.I would still help any suffering spirit discovered, to find it's way back home.
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