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Old 13-12-2010, 05:31 AM
Posts: n/a
Do any of you feel a greater to connection to one animal over another?

Yes. I know the nature of bats on a deeper level than any person in my life.

I'm specifically bonded to large fruit and nectar feeders (Flying foxes) but am getting to know smaller insectivores.

I understand other animals (like crows and spiders) in a way that is intimate, but nothing at all like the bond I have with bats.

Though I can't find any animal that I am specifically uncomfortable with, I find that large livestock like horses, cattle and often deer are very edgy and panicked around me, more so than most people can understand or explain.

Domestic rabbits are also terrified of me and scream, thump the ground aggressively or flee whenever they catch a scent or sight of me.

Seems to me that I connect well to predatory animals than any kind of herbivorous prey.
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