Thread: Samhain
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Old 29-10-2010, 02:43 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by 7luminaries
I understand there is often drumming associated with this festival. I will probably go to hear the drumming on the water in my town :)

Is this an ancient tradition as well & if so, was it also just to ward off spirits? Or was it used to conjure energy etc for some other purpose? Sound, such as vibrations and mantras are powerful sources of energy...


There's no way to know for sure, but I think you may be right on both scores... warding off unwanted spirits AND conjuring energy to project desired results. My soul memories of those ancient times tell me it was primarily the latter, but that the peasants and rustics not well versed in the ways of magic also needed reassurance in regards to attracting un-invited spirits
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