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Old 09-04-2012, 05:41 PM
lovetruth lovetruth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 599
Dear ones, as each of you move through time as instruments of the divine, it is well to remember that each of you are living by a standard set by you, before your

birth. As you weave through life, sometimes remembering the standard you set, sometimes not, it is in this vacillation that brings you eventually back to your purpose.

Duality as a teacher, is ever urging you to reflect on your choices and then learn from your victories and mistakes. It does no good to judge any part of the process,

yet it takes many many lives before this becomes apparent to most souls. It is once one realizes that cause and effect are the rules of the game that one finally can

make the right choices in order to escape the innumerable rounds of rebirth. Those who oppose light and act as the vanguard of evil, also have their purpose in this

game. Theirs is a task of making darkness visible, which then acts as a catalyst which moves one forward by making choice apparent. These, of course, must pay in

karmic debt, but all of the parts make the whole for a specific purpose. Creation is not haphazard, there is a plan, and most fulfill that plan, although it may not be

obvious in the flesh. When you are all reunited in spirit, the many cosmic appearances that are played out throughout the universe will make sense and as brothers and

sisters you will fully understand your part in the play. If you can just grasp this concept, that your lives are important and all aspects of your lives and every player is

your friend although they may play the part of an enemy, all are truly friends and united in the greater plan of continual movement toward perfection. You are

allowed only so much drama dear ones, then you must buckle down and accomplish what you all came to accomplish. If you doubt that you are on your path, examine

how you feel most of the time. If you are mostly motivated to move toward positive outcomes, that lend respect for yourself and others, then you are surely on your

path. Those who choose dark, have chosen from an ancient past, to play out that part, and these are of a different nature than most, yet are still part of the whole

and in the their parts, are dedicated to perform their part well, just as each of you are. I share this because some become paralyzed and cannot move forward,

essentially stuck because the appearances have become quite real in this world of illusion. It does no good to stand still in fear, this only holds one back in a state of

panic which accomplishes nothing. See the game in all its projections. Remember, dear ones,you cannot die. Your spirit ever lives and the flesh in this dream, is but a

prop in this grand play called life. When you are able to see in this way, it will bring a smile to your face and you will understand more easily what the ancient texts

teach, which steer one toward calm in all situations, knowing that illusion, though compelling while being experienced, is but a dream of the creator. Indeed this

chapter is coming to a close in order to open a new chapter with greater possibility toward renewed purpose in light and love. Babaji
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