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Old 18-01-2022, 10:31 AM
Aknaton Aknaton is offline
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Red face What has been your experience with the Gift of Tongues/Diverse Languages?

What has been your experience with the Gift of Tongues/Diverse Languages? It's one thing to have the Gift imparted into you, another to have an experience and another to have it activated and fully functional. I thought I might kick start this thread with my personal experiences. One night during prayer with my prayer partner, a Saint whose origins are from native America came through my prayer partner and started telling me that my being needs repair and God is interested in giving me an experience of this divine gift.

So he began to do his work for what seemed to be over an hour and all of a suddenly when I wanted to speak English, another language came out, lol! I knew what I wanted to say in English but it just came out as another language. I realised what was happening and I found that I could mention any language I wanted and the Holy Ghost would give me the ability to speak it. I spoke Angelic, Russian, Arabic and other languages I do not know. It was so amazing. And the weirdest part was that the language came with the accent... Kikikikiki. After that, the Saint left and my prayer partner was instructed to turn off the flow and I gradually returned to normal. This was really an amazing and unexpected experience and still think about it to this day. It was exhausting too!

Another experience was that a fallen angel was sent to take bind and take me wherever it is they wanted to take me. When I saw it, I realised that he was a fallen angel and was surprised & asked him how he managed to get here, coz I thought God had chained them somewhere - Jude 1:6.

I tried to return to my body and get it to wake up. Then the fallen angel said he has prevented me from entering my body and said its a fight til the death. I was disturbed and tried yo fight him back but there was no effect, until I prayed to God to have mercy upon me, then the Holy Spirit gave me a zap of the good ol' anointing (the power/energy of God's Divine Life) and I started speaking in some language against this angel from my spirit (Higher self to some) with the Cross exiting my spirit and dealing massive damage to this entity. He was clearly defeated and two gnome like beings came to pick up his body. I really wonder what Tongues those were. But the chained angels are able to project from they're chained bodies. Anyways, what have been your experiences with this, I am so excited to hear!
Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
John 16:7
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