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Old 01-03-2022, 12:55 PM
Jillity Jillity is offline
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Location: Cornwall, uk
Posts: 146
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A question that's worrying me

I have a moral question that's really worrying me. When I was young I discovered how powerful your mind can be and how you can influence events. I'm afraid I used this for my own nefarious purposes. When I was really bored at work I used to use my mind to will the machinery to break down so that we could all go home early. It gets worse. When an aggressive neighbour broke into the empty cottage next door and began stealing wood and threatening me if I interfered, I willed him to hurt his foot so that he would have to stop. I realise now that this isn't a spiritual path and indeed not a Wiccan path. I know very little about Wicca except that my cousin is married to someone who has practised all her life. What I want to know now is, would it be morally right for someone to stop someone else from causing huge suffering and loss of life by using the same techniques as I did when I was young and knew no better?
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