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Old 21-02-2012, 01:06 PM
Uma Uma is offline
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A typology of light...

Originally Posted by Rin
So called healing crisis' are very common.
One could ask when does a healing crisis become a psychotic episode?

Wow - so much confusion about all of this. I'll try to separate everything so we're talking about the same thing.

healing crisis
- this is the releasing of toxic things (thoughts, emotions, toxic cells in the body) that proceed healing
- it is usually associated with things like fasting, things to do with the body

crown chakra energy = reiki energy
- this is pure Spiritual energy (chi, qi, prana...) that comes from the Source of everyone, accessed through being in a state of meditation, prayer or perfect attunement with a reiki master or symbols

any healing energy = positive heart chakra energy = love
- this can be reiki also if done with the intention to bring out the purest most divine qualities, but strictly speaking is an emotional surge coming from your own being (reiki is that too but with the added dimension of infinity)
- crown chakra energy may also come through the heart chakra

kryias (DSM-IV, Code V62.89) = spiritual experiences that cannot be explained by medical science (read this article: which is a complaint that hardly anyone exists neither in the medical establishment nor in the clergy who is competent to treat this)
- these are energy experiences manifesting at the level of body, mind or emotion
- when they come about before the person is ready they can create problems (Gopi Krishna wrote about this in Living With Kundalini)
- when awakened naturally (without forced methods like pranayama and bandhas) through the guidance of a master, all kryias are beneficial and lead to higher consciousness
- the purpose of kryias is to purify the body to receive more energy and higher consciousness
- the tantric view of the universe is that all is energy and information (the two go together like wife and husband)
- the purpose of spiritual enlightenment is not to acquire kryias but to come into a space of the peace that passeth all understanding (which is a space of pure silence, of pure meditation)

psychotic episodes
- this is dealt with in the rest of the DSM-IV manual
- people who are schizophrenic, psychotic or take drugs should not be doing practices that can produce kryias

- this is a practice of going into trance states in order to access information from the great memory field of the universe (the causal field)
- it is usually done as part of a cure, looking for root causes such as karmic issues, soul retrieval...that kind of thing
- shamanism is a risky practice for the shaman because it is a type of channeling in which the person loses conscious control (to a degree) opening themselves up to any outside guidance rather than their own inner Kundalini

Now...spiritual energy is spiritual energy but when you take something that is very pure and noble and good and channel it through something that is tainted, selfish, impure...or immature or incompetent to receive it...resistance is going to happen. There will be pain instead of happiness.

A good lightworker, a good energy master will admit to their limitations and will try to discourage dependency on them. A true master will lead you to the master within. Their purpose is to awaken the flame of spiritual light from the Source that is dormant within you and to guide you in how to allow this light to grow brighter...and through this process eventually lets go your hand so you are flying by yourself.

This is a lot of stuff condensed into a tiny space but just to give you an idea and not to lump everything into one category!

There is no need to fear spiritual energy - it is the power of God - it is the light of all things. But it is important to respect it!
and in general like attracts like...positive intentions, positive behaviour will attract positive energy; negative intentions, negative behaviour will attract negative energy (and "negative energy" is a misnomer but that's another discussion and this post is already too long)
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