Thread: How is it done?
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Old 20-01-2023, 05:28 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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The desire to "go home" is quite natural. Living in a physical body means dealing with all the limitations of physical existence, and the idea of being free from these limitations is very appealing. We may also have a strong sense that there are many dimensions to our existence which we are unable to explore. Rather like a person living in a mansion but who spends all their time in the cellar.

But we have incarnated for a purpose, to undergo certain experiences, to learn certain lessons, so let us make the most of it. If we resist being physically alive then it only makes life difficult. Sooner or later we will make our natural exit and we can discard the physical body. In the meantime we can embrace physical experience and enjoy being alive in interesting times.

Edgar Cayce (the sleeping prophet) would daily put himself into a deep trance and access all sorts of information. How reliable that information was is open to question, but he is interesting reading.

There are so many books on OBEs, astral travel, astral projection, some very good and many not worth reading. Some teachers give very complicated instructions which may require a couple of hours, others say forget about all OBE techniques because leaving the body is a natural process.

But they do seem to agree that there is no one method which works every time for every person. So read the literature and find a method which resonates with you.

Regarding decent books, begin with the classics - Robert Monroe, Robert Bruce, Robert Peterson, William Buhlman, Graham Nicholls, Oliver Fox. You can then explore the more obscure authors. Ignore all the books which just summarise information found elsewhere and stick with those books written from personal experience.

And you may find binaural beats helpful - they can naturally take you to the mind awake/body asleep state, but not necessarily to full separation. Plenty of information online.

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