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Old 18-02-2021, 05:17 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Johnathanrs
It is possible that no one understands what you are asking. If you the person who observed this doesn't understand the experience how can anyone else? Should I pass with remote viewing doesn't make any sense to me. I am sure everyone would like to help out, myself included, but if I can't follow what you are asking then how can I? You will need to properly explain your intention or the phenomenon that you experienced, or what you are trying to do before you can expect feedback.
Thank you, I will try. Remote viewing is something I have experienced before, but then as spirit visiting earth, one is without body but can still see, it is as if one has an invisible eye too, and with the dream experience it was about a pull to someone's secret only there were these spiritual made up blocks. you know when people do the white light bubble for example. Just made up protection blocks to keep things out, they did not think of anyone using remote viewing then, or else I would not have passed. I do crazy things in these in between dream states that I don't do in real life, know how to do things and then when I read of spiritual things maybe years later I go wow, it wasn't just a dream then? Or wow, they have a name for this? and so on. The interstate between dream and being awake when the experience came began with this pull, first of all, the emotional connection, I guess, the feeling of the energies, and being dozy as I am in that state I just feel myself drawn to where that energy is. That is how it starts. That is by the way always how it starts ,I am being pulled, like my energy is autoamtically pulling towards someone elses, does not have to be that I know this person, it has been this way too when I come to completely strangers homes in this state, but primary it starts with a presence there, a pull. it can take time before this presence make itself known. One see with perfect clarity and one can zoom in and zoom out, one can have eyes all around, one can "blink" in first one view and then the other in the opposite direction if one wishes to do that, it can go in less than one second these different "blinks", I think I do it in this state because I have to figure out the whole picture, I look around. The things I see during this state when using remote viewing stays with me in the memories it is with such clarity one is priviliqued to see. It does not always have to be a presence I feel, it can be about something important to that person, but this has only happen very few times in my life, when someone has lost something at work and looked everywhere because this thing is so important to the person it gives away energy and I "see" this energy and then I "see" the "other side"/the object still missing, and that is how I know where the missing object is, then I have to pretend to be looking for it too, randomly, and then finding it for the person. Because the person is upset I wish to rush right away and pull it out and give it, but I can't do that. I hate the attention afterwards as it make me feel ashamed, by instinct, that I have done something wrong again (childhood experiences), but I have to stop feeling like that. Can too be something between me and an ex where something is stuck in a tube or something and I could see where it was using remote viewing but he didn't believe it and he refused to go on that big of an operation but in the end that was where we ended up and he went how did you know? and did you put it there (suspiscioun...), "explain it to me", "you're lying", so on and so on, "wonderful" memories...I have to pretend a lot that I am not as weird as I am. my mom had something that she could describe someones looks and personaltiy without having met them or have been given a clue, she may have used remote viewing too? I'm not trained at all and these things just happen when they want to.
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