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Old 15-10-2021, 11:35 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
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yeah i've felt frustrated sometimes in the past. Sometime I realized how bad I was behaving then, but nonethelss how all the responses I got were the perfect response for the time. Now the only thing I find mildly frustrating is I understand I'm probably going to have to face the same situations again sometime... kinda to see if i've learned anything from all this thinking about it I guess... the only reason that is frustrating I suppose is I don't wanna lol!

second hand... most everything comes as a hint from the 'real world' which causes some sort of memory. For example I saw a mummy in a museum once, and the specifics of the mummy immediately reminded me that the person that this mummy was for had learned levitation... it also reminded me that even back then he had the same problem I'm going to have to face yet again presumably till I get it right. He was killed for it back then just as much as I was killed for it in my last life as a female... speaking of which the only reason I know about that life is she was somewhat famous so i got to see enough about her in the real world to 'remember' what it felt like to be in her situation.

another thing is the curse of oak island thing... oak island sounds like a perfect fit for something I had previously 'remembered' the templars had and buried. That something itself might seem somewhat fantastic if i talked about it, but to me it is just a memory. The oak island explorers may not find it anyway as apparently more than one treasure is buried there and they may give up if they find one of the others - those templars were devious in so many ways.

of course there is a lot of smaller, more personal stuff as well... I've been triggered by books and movies sometimes. Used to drive me crazy...

But it just goes on an on like that, something or someone comes in front of me and makes me remember some other time or place...
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