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Old 25-07-2021, 12:54 AM
LadyVirgoxoxo LadyVirgoxoxo is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: U.S.
Posts: 895
Seeing a coyote after a job interview?

When I was driving away from a job interview, I saw an animal at the side of the road. I thought at first that it was a dog but then I realized that it was a coyote. We both locked eyes for a moment and it felt significant. My question would be, what does seeing the coyote mean? I've never seen a coyote before in my life and I thought that it was interesting seeing it after a job interview, especially since we both locked eyes for a moment. Could it be a guide? I've asked God for signs as I'm trying to find the right career path for me. Can someone help me interpret this sign?
“I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.” Walt Disney
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