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Old 27-06-2020, 08:51 PM
linen53 linen53 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 14,332
Welcome to this place of kinship Supersteel.

I'm glad you found us.

I assume you are male because females are less likely to strike out physically. I had a dark night of the souls similar to the one you are in. I felt anger and I exhibited anger. No one could get close to me.

You might need intervention, I am glad you see that. It's good to be angry but when you are hurting others (other than that co-worker ) it's time to get help. But my point is I stayed angry and in a rage for about 10 years. I needed to spew the blackness from my soul. When I was spent and tired of it, I was ready to move on. No anger anymore. I'm grateful to be alive and to have finally heal. Healing will come but it won't be in your timing.

Final answer: I was never meant to be the person I was born as; I was meant to be this new version of myself after healing.
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