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Old 11-04-2023, 01:02 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Depends what you have to / want to clear and how far you want to go.
When I moved into my current home I did the most thorough cleansing ever. I put a spiritual lock on the home. Took me a few hours.

First putting water, salt, and a candle in each & every space, incl. the attic, cupboard under the stairs etc. Now I did not put that in the attic, and for that cupboard I used a T-light in a closed lantern. Gotta think of safety!!

Then lighting all candles, after that going through each space/room with white sage from first floor and up, starting clockwise with the rooms. Inside the room also go clockwise from one corner to the next.
Each corner repeating a specific statement/affirmation and taking the time to truly visualise and feel it sink in.
Also visualising the cleansing happening inside the walls, floors, ceiling.
The attic I visualised as I couldn't put a candle in there, nor get the sage smoke in the whole space as it was already full up with stuff.
And of course also visualised the entire roof being cleansed.

Then it's gathering all the water & salt bowls, candles.
I put a huge crystal (Lemurian ice) on the Chi point of the house, the centre point, downstairs before I started.
I still had a huge bunch of flowers that I'd bought when I got the key to my house. Sunflowers and whatnot.

After that all was well. I occasionally feel I have to smudge, but never need to do that entire ritual. If I do smudge with white sage it's generally speaking just the living room, or sometimes the entire downstairs (living, kitchen, loo, hallway, extension). But just smudging with white sage, not the rest.

I also got loads of high vibrational crystals which have formed an energyfield, so generally speaking my house is and stays clean.
But when I moved in here the energy of the house was dull, dormant. Now it's alive & kicking, vibrant, happy :)
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