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Old 16-04-2021, 08:36 PM
jgross4573 jgross4573 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 67
I meant I never have believed in God and heaven* I just was trying to recollect my memories. I don't know why I wrote that I just can't go back and edit. I made a mistake and that is why I said I think instead of I never. It came out wrong when I typed it out. LOL

I don't know why people on here are so picky about how long you have to write a response. I mean I can do whatever I want. It just seems that others are so controlling of others and I don't like that at all. That is weird and you can't control other people. I am just voicing my opinion that is all. You can only control yourself.

That brings me to something else that I don't get is why others are so keen on trying to force me to believe in God and heaven because that is evil. It is evil to force someone else to believe in something because they do themselves. I just don't get it and it is creepy. I am finding that the more people who believe in God are the evil ones. I am being attacked by people who believe in God everyday and that proves that they are evil. Now the ones that believe in God force you to be loving now too? Why is it always about love when the same people that preach love aren't loving themselves? It doesn't make any sense and I never met anyone who believed in God who was genuinely loving.

I am not human so I am not sure why others are trying so hard to convince me and why they treat me like I am any other human out there when I am not. I am an individual. I just don't get it. I don't expect anyone to understand what I am talking about. Because no one ever does but at the same time they aren't supposed to so why bother even trying.

I didn't come from God. I know that for sure. I don't know why someone said that the evil spirits came from God. That is just evil. It is not my job to be loving like all you people because I didn't come from God. But you guys believe you did so that is your job. Not mine. I don't know why suddenly it is my job because it is yours. I am not connected to humans because I am not human. I know in my heart I am not and it makes me sad and breaks my heart that I am being forced into something that doesn't have anything to do with me but it has more to do with other people and to be quite frank it is quite messed up.

That right there proves how evil God is. And that proves that people who believe in God are evil. What is also evil and messed up is telling someone to love evil spirits who want to do harm to you instead of help you and that is a sick thing to say and that is evil and God is not good and he is not loving. I don't care what anyone says but it is my post and I decided to write this because this is for me and I don't care who comments and who sees this and I don't care if no one comments. But I felt like I wanted to be honest for once because before I wasn't honest and I felt bad for it so I am trying to change things around but I guess I can't really do that. I don't know. This is in response to my previous post that I made.
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