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Old 04-12-2020, 10:55 PM
jro5139 jro5139 is offline
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Posts: 987
Originally Posted by Sethra

On that note, you are correct that most are not at this level, however there is currently two groups that I know, of who are supporting contacting our Star people relatives, The peoples disclosure and the Love Alliance. Their efforts have caused sightings, awakenings, and even interactions with them. The purpose is requesting their support and aide in our species transition into the golden age.

(I only recently began getting into the details of this paragraph subject matter)As far as stars, planets, and constellations effecting our path, I reference the native American prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor which coincides closely to the Mayans 2012. In which it describes the end of a 500 year spiritual winter, we have entered into the 500 years of enlightenment. The reality being the Mayan calendar was based on energy shifts. This year in 2020 on July 10th I think it was, could of been the seventh, though on that day Mars came into a certain alignment, the god of war shifted and became balanced into love. These realities do effect our abilities increase.

This makes so much sense to me and I love the native American prophecies as I have native American in my ancestry. I wish I knew more about them.
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