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Old 03-07-2021, 04:20 PM
GlitterRose GlitterRose is offline
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 375
I think people need to realize that no matter what we feeds on life in order to survive...and there are so many people that no matter what we do, we have an impact.

Take for instance the folks who drink almond milk hoping to help the environment. Sure, they're not contributing to dairy farming, but...they are consuming a product, most of which is grown in an area that hardly receives any water in large quantities must be diverted there while everyone tries not to burn down with the forest fires in the Summer.

So...what have they really accomplished with that?

And everything is pretty much the same. Even if you figured humans out of the equation...everything alive has to survive by eating something else that is alive.

That is the nature of nature.
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