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Old 17-08-2021, 07:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Ewwerrin
I find that really resting in the awareness the incredible amount of realisations that flow feels like words are indeed less necessary and then I return to your words and I understand them more fully and see more how clearly and accurate and simple you speak. I like that. Especially the " -'beyond-vibration' of consciousness" I had difficulty accepting that. But the more I rest in the awareness, the more I find evidence of this being true. And it's very transcendental. Love it.
"When we lose our minds we come to our senses."
Alan Watts

Resting in awareness means we have 'lost' our minds, we've left it behind somewhere.

Consciousness itself is beyond the discussion of Duality and non-Duality because there are no paradoxes to resolve - non-Duality is a paradox that uses paradoxes to resolve the paradox. Somehow I doubt they would have called that Right Thinking. So because consciousness is fundamental, epiphenomenal and emergent there is just the consciousness that is 'above and beyond' it all.

"Change the words, change the paradigm." Words both create our consciousness and reflect it.
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